Thursday, July 26, 2012

The End.

Summer is coming to an end, sadly the nasty heat isn't.

I am thrilled and nervous about this school year that is ahead.  I have taken a new position that is very new and innovative which is exciting and yet nerve-wrecking at the same time.

Helping daddy with dishes quickly became bath time!

I say it every school year, but the summer went fast!  Honestly, this summer went way too fast.  August 1st is going to be a hard day.  I love what I do, but dammit I wish Piper could be there too!

I'm going to miss my little love bug.  She has been my tagalong for the past two months.  Splash pads, little trips here and there, pool time, sprinklers, listening to the rain in the car, coloring, puzzles, dancing, cooking, laughing, we did it all!

 Shadow people-I love that you can see her cheeks even in the shadow.

 Our teething bathing beauty at Splash Pad.

 Her reaction to the fireworks!

It was a good summer and I'm sad to see it go.  Now, I'm just going to cherish the weekends that much more!

Feelin' the Love

I have been noticing lately that there is definitely a big baby BOOM happening all around me.  Coworkers, friends, family.  These gorgeous little blessings are popping up everywhere!

I don't know what it is but I have always loved babies.  LOVED babies.  When I was young and people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say a teacher and then almost immediately I would add, a mommy!  I think it's just in my blood.

Obviously, there is no love like a mother's love for a child.  There is nothing like it.  It's amazingly powerful and so intense.  But I will say, I love the babies that are in my life.  No, they may not be my own but I still love them.  When I see them I squeal with happiness or I'll even tear up the first time I meet them.  I really do love them and want to see them grow up happy and knowing that they are all loved.  

With that said, I am starting to notice the love for my own child in others around me.  I notice friends, family and even our neighbors!

 I notice them sitting in a pile of ants while Piper plays with a toy.  I notice them sweating bullets when it's 110 degrees outside because my daughter is happiest out in nature.  I notice when they get down on the ground even though it's uncomfortable just to play with her, pull out books and any random toy they can find around their house to make her feel comfortable.  I notice when they pick Piper up and whisper sweet nothings into her ear as soon as they see her.  I notice them making her a first birthday cake since they've known her "all her life, since she was inside the tummy".  I notice when they actually talk to her and pay attention to her and include her in what they are doing.  I notice all these things and I see how loved my daughter is.

I am a strong believer, especially being a teacher, that it takes a village to raise a child.  I am so blessed to have a great village of family and friends that love and support my child.  And I feel so lucky to be a part of other kiddo's village as well.