Piper is 2 months old! Where oh where did the time go?? Here are some fun changes we've noticed in the past month. We just love to watch her grow and learn!
- Piper weighs in at 10 pounds 15 ounces
- 23 inches long
- She can hold her head up for longer periods of time
- Beginning to hate tummy time...
- She has found her hands and folds them so nicely like a little lady
- Piper can definitely see further distances
- She can recognize faces and voices
- Starting to sit in her Bumbo
- Piper now loves to be held in the "sitting up position" or facing out
- She has to be in on all the conversations and doesn't want to miss out on anything!
- Her bedtime is now 7:30, wakes up once to be fed, goes back to sleep until about 5:30-AMAZING!
- She's sleeping in her crib and loves her mobile
Staring up at the mobile in her crib. |
Playing with my hands! |
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