Wednesday, September 21, 2011

4 Months

Four months has so quickly gone by.  No longer are the nights of getting up to do a midnight feeding or the feeling of pure exhaustion. Yeah, we're still tired but it's nothing like the first two weeks-thank goodness!  Some fun things about Miss Piper:

~weighs 14 lbs. 15 oz.
~25 inches long
~75th percentile for height and weight
~she officially rolls over-all the time
~cooing, laughing, and always making silly faces
~reaching out to grab things
~holds her own bottle
~officially in size 2 diapers
~no longer considered a newborn, she is an infant :(
~Piper loves her books and loves to read
~definitely knows her daily routine
~loves to sleep and is one happy baby after a happy nappy
~likes to play with your face (nose, mouth, eyes, hair) when holding her
~wants SOO badly to sit up on her own, but still topples a bit which totally ticks her off!
~we start her on cereal next week:)
~loves water bottles
~she officially knows who Haylee is and looks for her when you say Haylee's name
~still sleeps through the night (7-6)
~LOVES the Baby Bjorn and walking through Target trying to push the cart herself
~communicates with you to let you know when she wants/needs/does NOT want something

Hello world!  I'm 4 months old today and pretty darn cute!

 This face makes me laugh:)

Dr. K says the teething has begun

Some good pics of daddy and his girl at the doctors office...


"love you daddy" "love you more"

1 comment:

  1. She is so darn sweet. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. I love reading your blogs, following her milestones and looking at all the beautiful pictures you have captured!
