Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Goodies

Mother's Day.  It was my first experience getting to celebrate!  What a good day.  

Honestly, I'm not a fan of Mother's Day, or any other holiday where you feel the obligation to do something.  Father's Day, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day-just not a fan.  I understand the meaning and importance, yes.  But, I would much rather receive a thoughtful love note or random flowers on a day that I wasn't expecting it, instead of Valentine's Day.  

I'm also one of those people who will become a romantic the day before these holidays and expect a grand surprise or something ridiculous and then become disappointed when it doesn't happen-thank you romantic comedies/chick flicks. GrRr:)

Anywho, my hubby knows exactly how I feel about these holidays.  Poor guy.  And it came full force on Saturday.  I got to thinking about what was happening on Sunday and realized it was a day about me and yet I wasn't going to do anything I wanted to do!  (Insert bitchy moment here)  The good thing is, Jeremy was able to see that one coming with the plans for Sunday already being in the works the week before.  Seriously, he knows me too well.

With that said, my super sweet Mr. made my "day" on Saturday.  And it was amazing, I say!  It was everything I wanted/didn't want and MoRe!  He surprised me with a new computer.  And by surprised I mean totally shocked since I actually thought he might have forgotten what weekend it was, oops!  Gotta give this guy more credit!  We grabbed lunch, relaxed, cleaned, took happy nappy's with Piper and went to a friends house for a barbecue.  A great day, so similar to other weekends and yet so different:)

 Sunday with Babz-Piper you so goofy!

 Selfish moment of mine.  Napping with my little on my chest for a solid 2 hours while watching some trash tv.  Bliss.

 The one that made me a mommy

 My main squeeze that know just how weird I get around certain "holidays" ;)

...Just love this one...

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