Tuesday, August 21, 2012


When I go through and read blogs, even my own, I find that every entry is about the joyous and happy times.  It definitely brightens my day hearing all the great mommy stories and how the day started out so rough but it ended on a high note.

But then I was starting to think, holy cow are these mommies that much better than me that they only have good days?  Never experience frustration or moments that you just break down?  Is it bad to write about it for everyone to read?  Obviously people don't want to read constant complaining, but its good to vent right?

Well, I think so!  I feel it's therapeutic for people to express emotions and even write them down.  When I read about someone having a rough day or something they didn't expect happened, I almost feel relieved that they are human too.  I don't think everyone can be perfect at all times of every day.

I write this because I have been feeling a little "off".  I have been completely overwhelmed by school and all the changes there.  I feel like things keep getting put on my to do list but nothing ever gets taken off.  Then I got sick and that was just the icing on the cake.  I just haven't been myself and feel like there's a big negative aura surrounding me and I hate it.

With that said, I wonder what other people do to center themselves again.  When life goes a bit haywire, what do you do to bring yourself back to you?

I clean.  I love to clean and get things in order and organized.  I wear lipstick.  Makes me feel girly.  I wear heels.  Makes me feel like a lady.  I shop.  That makes everything better.

With this crazy schedule our family is on now I don't get much time to do those things.

 So what do you do?  I'm curious!:)

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