Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Grampa Bill

Ok, so many of you may know that I totally believe in angels and all that jazz.  WELL, this literally just happened so I had to stop and write it down before I forgot.

Went to go change Piper's wet diaper and for some reason decided to do it on the ground in her room rather than on the changer.  For what reason?  I dont know.;)

As I'm changing her diaper, Piper looks right past me to my left and goes, "Woooooooow!"  And starts pointing.  I casually look up and see nothing so I continue on with changing her.

While changing my child's diaper, she is normally a complete wiggle worm and wants to get up and moving as soon as she can.  This time however she kept looking right past me and stayed completely still and almost in a trance.

Then it happens, I got the chills down my back and a big ass smile on my face, since it hit me what was happening.

Piper, while looking up past me says, "Bumpa".  What the hell!?!?!  This is what my sister and I call my grampa and the only time she has heard this word is when we're driving and we say hi to him when we pass the cemetery.

After she says this, she starts giggling and waving and then continues on with her, "Wooooow" and an occasional kiss to the air.

So, I think I know exactly what was happening here today Grampa!  You are such a sneaky one sometimes:)  I miss you and think about you on the daily.  I'm so glad Piper knows your face and that you are there to guide her and all of us through life.  Love you forever and ever and Happy Freaking Birthday!!!  You are missed beyond belief and today we celebrate you and your amazing life!  Cheers to you and I think it's time to drink some Tullamoredew!:)

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