Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
1 Month Old!
We can't believe it, but our precious baby is already 1 month old! She changes every single day. We took her to the doctor today and she now weighs 8 pounds 14 ounces and is 22 inches long. She is a growing girl! Dr. K even commented on how alert she is and said she is tall like a la la:)
Piper has grown and learned so much in the past month. Here are a few things we have noticed:
Piper has grown and learned so much in the past month. Here are a few things we have noticed:
- She is starting to fill out and get some chubby legs:)
- Her neck is getting stronger by the day and can hold her head up for a few seconds at a time
- She recognizes mommy and daddy
- Smiling!!
- Jaundice is officially gone, thank goodness!
- She reaches out for the animals on her swing
- She recognizes that if she touches the elephant's ear on her playmat, it crinkles
- She hates being bounced but loves being rocked and having her tushy pat
- She can't fall asleep unless there is a nightlight or tv on
- She officially naps in her crib
Father's Day Trip
For Father's Day I decided that we needed to get out of this heat! Piper, Daddy and I went up to Payson/Pine for the day. We ate at a delicious and quaint little restaurant, recommended by Grandpa Sahler, called The Randall House. The weather was absolutely beautiful with a slight breeze. It was so nice to have Jeremy all to myself. We realized that in the past month we really haven't gotten the chance to just talk. There's always a visitor, a phone call, chores to be done and diapers to be changed, so it was nice to hold a conversation and reflect on the past month with eachother. It was a perfect day with our perfect family!:)

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Happy Father's Day!
This weekend is Father's Day and it is a very special Father's Day in our's Jeremy's first one! I thought I would take a minute and write about a few men in my life who will be celebrating Father's Day as well.
First, of course, is Jeremy. Everyone had told me that your relationship with your husband changes when you have a baby and I can say it definitely has! After I had Piper I fell in love with Jeremy all over again. He was so patient, understanding, loving, willing to learn anything and everything he could about his baby girl and wifey, clear minded and strong. He was able to somehow take care of his newborn daughter and his wife, who could barely move and could cry at the drop of a hat, at the same time. He was able to take care of us on top of entertaining all the visitors who stopped by, keep a clean house, make food and take care of the dog. He very quickly became my knight in shining armor.

Next on the list is my very own dad. He has taught me very many things over the years and I figured I would list a few important ones that I still appreciate today. Some of these I don't know if he realizes he taught me!
First, of course, is Jeremy. Everyone had told me that your relationship with your husband changes when you have a baby and I can say it definitely has! After I had Piper I fell in love with Jeremy all over again. He was so patient, understanding, loving, willing to learn anything and everything he could about his baby girl and wifey, clear minded and strong. He was able to somehow take care of his newborn daughter and his wife, who could barely move and could cry at the drop of a hat, at the same time. He was able to take care of us on top of entertaining all the visitors who stopped by, keep a clean house, make food and take care of the dog. He very quickly became my knight in shining armor.
Next on the list is my very own dad. He has taught me very many things over the years and I figured I would list a few important ones that I still appreciate today. Some of these I don't know if he realizes he taught me!
- How to ride a two wheel bike
- How to use a hammer, screwdriver and basic tools
- How to pump gas in a car
- Not to be scared of police officers, but appreciate them because they are there to help and protect you
- How to be obsessively clean and organized
- How to forgive-even in the worst of situations the best thing for yourself is to forgive
- The words to every Elvis Presley song
- How to sing into a random candle stick holder as if it was a microphone
- To take pride in every thing you do, whether it be homework, the people you surround yourself with, or a dance competition, be proud of it
- A mid-life crisis does exist;)
- How to bait my own fishing line and fish with the boys
- Don't talk to strangers and follow your gut instinct
- All things happen for a reason
- The correct way to pass food around a table at an Italian family dinner
- Always say please and thank you
- Remember to dig a small ditch around your tent when camping
- Respect your elders (I find this one is slowly dying with the newer generation and it's so sad to watch with your own eyes)
So with that list, there are many more I could add, I say thank you dad!
The next very important man in my life was my grandpa. He and my grandmother always gave my sister and I a safe and comfortable place to go-whether it be their house or in their arms for a big hug.
My all time favorite memory with him was during my parent's divorce. I remember they were in the kitchen deciding who was going to get what in the house that I grew up in. My sister and I were crushed. It wasn't fun and not what we thought would ever happen. My grandpa came in the back room (computer room) where my sister and I were. My sister and I were supposed to be playing on the computer, but we both were just sitting there with tears in our eyes listening to what was happening. Grandpa came in, gave us both his slobbery wet kiss that I miss so much, and said to get in the car. We sat in the old Volvo station wagon without saying anything for what seemed like forever, and grandpa just drove. We drove around the neighborhood and finally to one of our favorite restaurants. We got to order anything we wanted. Dessert first? Sure! Three different drinks? Of course! A full rack of ribs? Why the heck not?! For those few hours my sister and I laughed, smiled and felt like royalty. We talked and shared stories, asked him questions and shared our dreams of our future houses, husbands, kids-anything and everything. My grandpa was able to get us to forget what was happening in our own little world and feel nothing bad, instead all we could feel was the love he had for us. We were on top of the world!

The next very important man in my life was my grandpa. He and my grandmother always gave my sister and I a safe and comfortable place to go-whether it be their house or in their arms for a big hug.
My all time favorite memory with him was during my parent's divorce. I remember they were in the kitchen deciding who was going to get what in the house that I grew up in. My sister and I were crushed. It wasn't fun and not what we thought would ever happen. My grandpa came in the back room (computer room) where my sister and I were. My sister and I were supposed to be playing on the computer, but we both were just sitting there with tears in our eyes listening to what was happening. Grandpa came in, gave us both his slobbery wet kiss that I miss so much, and said to get in the car. We sat in the old Volvo station wagon without saying anything for what seemed like forever, and grandpa just drove. We drove around the neighborhood and finally to one of our favorite restaurants. We got to order anything we wanted. Dessert first? Sure! Three different drinks? Of course! A full rack of ribs? Why the heck not?! For those few hours my sister and I laughed, smiled and felt like royalty. We talked and shared stories, asked him questions and shared our dreams of our future houses, husbands, kids-anything and everything. My grandpa was able to get us to forget what was happening in our own little world and feel nothing bad, instead all we could feel was the love he had for us. We were on top of the world!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Baby Belly
Today at my mama's house I came across a few pictures with my fully developed 9 month belly. I hadn't had any belly pictures taken and once I saw these I fell in love. I felt like an absolute beast at the time, but looking at these pictures they just look beautiful to me...I ALMOST miss that baby bump!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
PlAy MaT fUn
As we all know my lovely Piper is bound to be a genius, however, lil missy has been thoroughly enjoying her tummy time and is already trying to roll over. I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen at two weeks old but it's sure fun to watch! I wasn't able to capture the half roll with my camera but I was able to get a good shot of her trying to figure out her reflection in the mirror :)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Piper's Arrival
Piper Christine Hornbeck is finally here! We waited for her arrival for years and now she is here and it is just amazing. I sit here writing this blog and look at my sleeping beauty and still can't believe that she is mine. I still can't believe that Jeremy and I could make something so perfect and it's our job to mold her into a classy and fabulous young lady-no pressure there, right!?
Anywho, Piper arrived on Friday, May 20th at 9:25 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 3 ounces and was 20 inches long. I was getting quite antsy waiting for my baby girl to grace us with her presence so I went to have a prenatal massage on Thursday at 1 in the afternoon. By 4:00, I was having contractions every 5 minutes. They weren't very bad but still uncomfortable contractions. The doctor told us to go to the hospital just to see how things were going. We were sent home at 10:30 that night and both of us were quite discouraged. Not only was I in pain, but we just wanted to get this started!
I was finally able to get to sleep but at 2:46 in the morning I woke up with the worst pains I have ever felt. My water broke at 3:30 and we didn't even realize it was my water breaking! Jeremy had to google it and we decided to call the doctor again. Sure enough it was my water breaking and off to the hospital we went.
As soon as we got to the hospital I wanted that epidural STAT since I was in tears, the pain was unbearable! Both doctors were in C-Sections...dun dun dunnnn. I ended up getting my epidural after making quite the scene (those poor nurses!) at 8:15. As I was getting the epidural I had this strange feeling that I needed to push, my body was just doing it for me! I told the nurse, she laid me down and ran out of the room to call the doctor. Piper was born at 9:25.
I remember looking at the nurse and saying, "Wait, I have to push NOW? I thought I got to take a nap and relax once I had the epidural?!" The nurse just looked at me and laughed:)
Piper was born absolutely perfect and Jeremy and I were in shock. She was beautiful. She was perfect. She was OURS!
Anywho, Piper arrived on Friday, May 20th at 9:25 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 3 ounces and was 20 inches long. I was getting quite antsy waiting for my baby girl to grace us with her presence so I went to have a prenatal massage on Thursday at 1 in the afternoon. By 4:00, I was having contractions every 5 minutes. They weren't very bad but still uncomfortable contractions. The doctor told us to go to the hospital just to see how things were going. We were sent home at 10:30 that night and both of us were quite discouraged. Not only was I in pain, but we just wanted to get this started!
I was finally able to get to sleep but at 2:46 in the morning I woke up with the worst pains I have ever felt. My water broke at 3:30 and we didn't even realize it was my water breaking! Jeremy had to google it and we decided to call the doctor again. Sure enough it was my water breaking and off to the hospital we went.
As soon as we got to the hospital I wanted that epidural STAT since I was in tears, the pain was unbearable! Both doctors were in C-Sections...dun dun dunnnn. I ended up getting my epidural after making quite the scene (those poor nurses!) at 8:15. As I was getting the epidural I had this strange feeling that I needed to push, my body was just doing it for me! I told the nurse, she laid me down and ran out of the room to call the doctor. Piper was born at 9:25.
I remember looking at the nurse and saying, "Wait, I have to push NOW? I thought I got to take a nap and relax once I had the epidural?!" The nurse just looked at me and laughed:)
Piper was born absolutely perfect and Jeremy and I were in shock. She was beautiful. She was perfect. She was OURS!
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