Anywho, Piper arrived on Friday, May 20th at 9:25 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 3 ounces and was 20 inches long. I was getting quite antsy waiting for my baby girl to grace us with her presence so I went to have a prenatal massage on Thursday at 1 in the afternoon. By 4:00, I was having contractions every 5 minutes. They weren't very bad but still uncomfortable contractions. The doctor told us to go to the hospital just to see how things were going. We were sent home at 10:30 that night and both of us were quite discouraged. Not only was I in pain, but we just wanted to get this started!
I was finally able to get to sleep but at 2:46 in the morning I woke up with the worst pains I have ever felt. My water broke at 3:30 and we didn't even realize it was my water breaking! Jeremy had to google it and we decided to call the doctor again. Sure enough it was my water breaking and off to the hospital we went.
As soon as we got to the hospital I wanted that epidural STAT since I was in tears, the pain was unbearable! Both doctors were in C-Sections...dun dun dunnnn. I ended up getting my epidural after making quite the scene (those poor nurses!) at 8:15. As I was getting the epidural I had this strange feeling that I needed to push, my body was just doing it for me! I told the nurse, she laid me down and ran out of the room to call the doctor. Piper was born at 9:25.
I remember looking at the nurse and saying, "Wait, I have to push NOW? I thought I got to take a nap and relax once I had the epidural?!" The nurse just looked at me and laughed:)
Piper was born absolutely perfect and Jeremy and I were in shock. She was beautiful. She was perfect. She was OURS!
I can't wait to see Piper grow up to be a beautiful young lady! Good work Amy and Jeremy!:)