Monday, June 20, 2011

1 Month Old!

We can't believe it, but our precious baby is already 1 month old! She changes every single day. We took her to the doctor today and she now weighs 8 pounds 14 ounces and is 22 inches long. She is a growing girl! Dr. K even commented on how alert she is and said she is tall like a la la:)

Piper has grown and learned so much in the past month. Here are a few things we have noticed:
  • She is starting to fill out and get some chubby legs:)
  • Her neck is getting stronger by the day and can hold her head up for a few seconds at a time
  • She recognizes mommy and daddy
  • Smiling!!
  • Jaundice is officially gone, thank goodness!
  • She reaches out for the animals on her swing
  • She recognizes that if she touches the elephant's ear on her playmat, it crinkles
  • She hates being bounced but loves being rocked and having her tushy pat
  • She can't fall asleep unless there is a nightlight or tv on
  • She officially naps in her crib
So much has happened in the past month and it's incredible how fast it went by!Playing in her bouncy

Pretty, pretty girl!

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