Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I'm a what? A real MOM!

There are moments during the day that I honestly have to stop and remind myself, Amy, you're a mom.  You really are one!  I have wanted to be a mom since I could remember.  I always had a baby doll, a stroller, carriage, baby bag, my sister and I would even make pretend baby food.  I always thought I would get married and have a baby when I was 21.  Not sure why I chose 21, but I did.  Obviously that didn't go to plan since I went to college, got a job and then married.  Just wasn't ready for it at 21 like I always had thought.  Then, it took us a while to actually get pregnant and that absolutely terrified me.  How could I want something so bad all my life and struggle to get it, but people who don't even want to have a baby can make one in one night by accident?  I still struggle with that one every once in a while-I will now move on since our prayers were answered!;)

Now, that I am one it's the hardest flipping job out there, but lord almighty it is the best one around.  When this little girl looks up at me with that beautiful smile, the smile that I had dreamt about when I was pregnant with her, it absolutely melts me.  Melts me to my core.  All is well with the world when I see that stinkin' smile:)

Moments that remind me I'm a mom:

Holding her when she is sick or hurt.  All she wants is her mom.  That's me!  I am hers, all hers.

Walking into my in laws house today when my mother in law asks, "Piper who is that?"  And her response, "MAMA!!"  Ah, be still my heart.

Having my morning coffee on the weekends and hearing her feet running around upstairs, yelling at the dog and then peeking around the corner with her sweet squeaky voice saying, "Hewwooo".

Sitting at the dinner table, saying prayers and hearing her say, "Father, Son, Holy Spirit."  And shouting, "AMEN!"  My big girl making me proud.

Saying mealtime prayer.  

Oh Piper girl, you frustrate me and challenge me every day.  But dammit, you are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I love you with every ounce of my being.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Where Did the Time Go?

Oh my, I just realized that the last time I entered or wrote anything on our family blog was in the FALL!  Well, I will say that I love to write and journal what we are doing on a normal basis, but a little something came along...a little something called "life".  So at this point I shall update!  I really want to try and get back into this as it's something I enjoy, but it becomes harder to do during the school year.  Our schedule gets absolutely crazy.

UpDaTe TiMe!
Jeremy actually went back to working at the hotel.  Back to crazy hours, not having weekends off, and the list goes on.  Not my favorite career field but the man truly enjoys it.

This is how Piper poses when she says, "Pleaaaaaaase".  Lord help us.

I will be leaving first grade next year and moving with my class up to second grade.  I am super excited about the change and am excited to learn, teach and experience a new grade level.  It will be quite a transition tho since I love my current team.  I've always loved them.  I always will love them.  They aren't just teammates, they have become my friends, my "net", the ones I talk to about anything and everything and they are like family.

Piper continues to grow, challenge us, teach us and amaze us every single day.

She is officially a toddler or "big girl".  She's got the attitude of a 16 year old, fashion sense of a diva, heart of gold, loves to share and help her friends.  She is also hilarious.  This kid keeps us laughing every day.

This girl loves her doll she named, Penelope.  I love how Piper shows her love to this doll.  She is such a good "mommy".  

On the topic of Piper girl, I go through phases where I really think I'm doing something wrong.  I didn't handle a tantrum the right way, I lost my cool, I should be teaching her more manners and be more diligent with holding her to them, I should read more books to her, I should expose her to different foods, and the list goes on.  The other day, I saw a poster that said, "Behind every great kid is a mom who thinks she's doing it wrong".  Sadly enough, my eyes started to fill with tears.  Maybe I shouldn't look at all the things she is doing wrong or I am doing wrong, but look at how far she has come.  I love this girl so flipping much and I just want her to be an amazing child, young woman and lady.  Sometimes there just is a lot of pressure on us moms.  And I'm pretty sure we put that pressure on ourselves.;)

This next coming summer and school year will hold lots of new experiences for our family, and my goal is to get back into the "blogging" swing of things to record all of the crazy moments!