Monday, April 23, 2012

11 months

Piper is 11 months old which means a party is rapidly approaching!  It's so bittersweet.  Time has gone by so fast, it's insane.  I like doing these monthly updates since it gives me some time to reflect on the month, what we've done as a family, how much Piper has learned or what milestone she has reached and it's fun to see how much Jer and my relationship has changed in that month.  Whether we would test each other's patience or how much we support each other-honestly it's mostly Jeremy who has to bring me down a notch, especially when our child busts her lip open when trying to walk and I can't do anything but cry.  Great reaction MOM!!  Damn.  Thank the lord almighty for that man!

She likes taking pictures of herself on the phone, so silly. 

Well, we have a theme set for the big day.  And that's about it.  ha!  We know it's going to be Minnie Mouse since our tagalong loves the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Other than that, not so sure.  Location?  Invite list?  Food?  Drinks?  Invites?  Negative!  Either way I know it's going to come together perfectly for our little and it will be a special day for her with all the people that love her.

 Dollhouse Toy Store is our favorite place to be!

Now onto some fun milestones for Piper girl.  The past few months have kind of blended together so I'm just going to list some things, and they might have happened the month before, but just roll with it;)
  • This child loves music!  Doesn't matter what kind she is happiest when music is on, much like mommy and daddy.
  • Her new favorite toy other than her books are her pillows and blankies.  She also likes her tamborine and xylophone and actually plays them!  She is so stinking smart!
  • No more baby food, ma!  This kid likes to eat.  Like a lot.  She eats all the time and is no longer a fan of baby food especially if she sees people around her eating food.
  • She is a big fan of the swimming pool and has no fear.  This summer will be spent out in the pool splishin and splashin!  Can't wait for swimmy lessons with some friends and her boyfriend, Owen:)
  • BIG GIRL SEAT AND STROLLER!  AH!  Is it wrong to tear up when you look back while driving and see a happy gal dancing in the backseat and be reminded that it was only a year ago when daddy drove 20 miles an hour on the freeway to go home from the hospital?
 Dancing in the backseat.  Yes, she fist pumps.

Other big things happening in the Hornbeck house.  Jeremy got a new job!!  I am so proud of him.  He saw this family needed a change and he provided.  Man, if he only knew how much I really appreciate and love him.   This is going to be so nice to have him home on holidays and have a set schedule, rather than never knowing when we'll see him!

My beauty

Kid, you're too fast to take a picture of!


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