Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Faith and Hope for the Future Has Been Restored


I am so happy and hopeful for our future after what I had seen today.

Not to be a complete "Debbie Downer" but I had lost a whole lot of respect and hope for the younger generation.  Yes, there are the bad apples in all generations, but the younger one, ick.  I have been experiencing so many times where I have been disappointed by the actions, lack of respect, rude beyond belief attitudes and my list can go on.  Honestly, I was becoming almost hurt and yet at the same time really fricking pissed off.  I've had to restrain myself from "educating" the rude ones.  It could have gotten ugly.

And now I feel a sense of relief.  After experiencing all the negative attitudes around me, I FINALLY got to witness something so sweet it brought a tear to my eye.

Jeremy, Piper and I were at Target.  As we came to the cart bin area, we caught a glance of an elderly woman(in quite a fancy getup by the way) who was struggling horribly to get into the wheelchair cart.  Just as Jer was about to go help her, a young girl probably about 14 came out of nowhere to help her.  She picked up her cane and held her hand while she stumbled her way to sit down.


We watched and I immediately said, "My faith in humanity has been restored."

Yup, the girl helped her.  Didn't laugh, didn't walk past her, didn't roll her eyes, didn't ignore the struggle, but came out of nowhere and HELPED.

I hope that girl knows what she did.  I hope her parents know what she did and what an impact she made.  Those little acts of kindness really go a long way and don't go unseen.

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